Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Asking Permission To Use My Laptop

Thanks for the laptop Apple.

May I now have permission to edit the VOB files from my wife's ultrasound?

What's that? They might be from a commercial DVD and you are totally in bed with the billion dollar media conglomerates?

That's fine, just completely block iMovie from editing mpeg2 files. I'll boot in to Windows where I don't need to ask permission.


Trevor said...

I'm sorry, your wife's uterus is the property of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Please cease and desist from trying to obtain unreleased media or we'll be forced to persue legal action.

Latoya said...


Kevin said...

Try out MacTheRipper:

Just because you are on a Mac doesn't make you any more special than us guys using Windows and DVD Decrypter :-)